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We all have super powers.

My superpower is to find your child's heroic gifts while boosting areas of needed support while providing practical and effective parent coaching.

We learn within the context of a relationship. It is my job and motivation to create a safe, playful and open space for your child to learn, grow and transform so that they continue to build their strengths, self esteem and overall happiness.

     In a world that quickly points out, what is "wrong" with your child or with your parenting style.....I am here to help find what IS working!  I am here to help create new ways to communicate with your child so that they can feel loved, cared for and supported as they learn. 

     My gift is that I don't see a "diagnosis"...... I see your child. I figure out meaningful ways to ensure your child is available to learn. 

Educational, Social,  Behavioral and Emotional Teaching 

Sandra Arntzen, M.Ed


Services Provided:

Behavioral Therapy 

Educational Therapy Direct Service (in-person or Zoom)

Social Skills Facilitator

Parent Coaching 

Check out: Happy House Family Podcast for free information on the go!

Please take a look at my other website: 

Author of  social skills books.

 "Sandra, you are the first person who has taught me how to love my child."

- Susan

"I have known Sandra for over twenty years. We met at UCLA when she worked for Dr. BJ Freeman at the ECPHP Program. Sandra worked as a lead teacher then as a seminar instructor after she earned her Master's from Harvard University. I recently had a child diagnosed with mild ASD and speech delay. I can't imagine going to anyone but her. In a world full of followers, she uses the method that allows each child to flourish. She doesn't pick a method, she listens to the child and from that point uses the techniques that works best with your child."

- Dr. Ng 

​" We hired Sandra back when our son was in preschool (he's about to be a second grader!) He struggles with ADHD, which was already very apparent by then,  and he also had a lot of anxiety.  The difference  Sandra made with him during that time was not only dramatic but also long lasting.  Even the teachers were blown away - so much so that they started implementing a lot of her methods with ALL the kids there.  The magic of Sandra is that her intuitive sense is just as strong as her trained credentials (via Harvard and UCLA).  She truly has a gift seeing through to the real person inside that little body and making him/her feel safe enough to shine.  As it turned out, we fell in love with her just as much as our son did. I guarantee, you will too!"


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